
It absolutely amazes me what I am learning about myself and the world around me this week and I feel a bit of a roll coming on... First I have to say I took myself on a date this past week and allowed some time for myself, just me. No texting friends, but going out and seeing a movie, doing some shopping and just having some alone time and it was quite refreshing... Then I did something I don't normally do, I took a vacation day so I could go to a doctor's appointment or two and then spend some time with the bestie... And I had an incredibly fun and relaxing day... I laughed, I cried a little, I laughed some more, I may have screamed once... maybe twice, just to get a reaction from BFF really and I learned something about myself... I have always had an extremely hard time expressing myself when I am confronted face to face in a personal situation... Work not so much but personal definitely... Ask the BFF... But when it comes to writing out my thoughts and feelings and emoti...